Top view photo of hands in yellow sweater giving craft paper gift box with twine bow and yellow autumn leaf.It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to find the perfect gifts for friends and loved ones that will bring genuine smiles to their faces. No pressure, of course. 

In all seriousness, many of us are torn between wanting to get great gifts for the people in our lives (gift giving is one of the love languages, after all) and not wanting to buy stuff just for the sake of having something to wrap.

That’s why this year, the Primal team put our collective heads together and came up with a list of gift ideas to help you check off your holiday list lickety-split. The ideas below are aimed at helping everyone live their best Primal lives—get outside, eat great food, use your brain, take care of your body, reduce stress, and generally #LiveAwesome!

* Note, this post does not contain affiliate or sponsored links.

Gifts for the Great

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“Eat fewer processed foods.”

Nearly every health expert says it. (Sometimes so often that you’ve maybe tuned it out. Kind of like when they say, “Eat your greens.” Whatever, Mom.)

But have you ever wondered why?

Plus, what even counts as a processed food anyway?

In the following infographic, we cover everything you need to know about processed foods.

You’ll discover:

▶ What counts as “processed” (and and what doesn’t)—and how those foods affect your health

▶ The difference between four types of processed foods (whole foods, minimally-processed foods, moderately-processed foods, and highly-processed foods)

▶ Which processed foods benefit your health and well-being—as well ones that might harm it

▶ How to tell which whole and minimally-processed foods are worth the effort (and which likely aren’t)

Plus, you’ll get a three-step process that’ll help you boost your consumption of nutrient-packed foods—without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

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You’ve narrowed down your health insurance plan options, and now it’s time to choose. Often, instinct tells us to go with the lowest premium (your monthly payment) – but is that really a good idea? When it comes to health coverage, picking a plan with a high deductible may actually be more expensive in the end.

The truth is, your premium and your deductible (what you pay before your plan pays) are more connected than you may expect. The pricing of one may impact that of the other. So, it’s important to know the differences between them and how they work together so you can choose the plan that’s best for you – and your wallet!

Premiums, deductibles, yearly maximums?

Brush up on common health insurance terms so you can have a better understanding of both your needs and your plan.

Does your premium go towards your deductible?

No, your

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Protests in multiple Chinese cities over the strict COVID-19 policies enforced by China’s government reflect the growing sentiment of people around the world. We’re tired of the pandemic, and tired of the myriad ways the SARS-CoV-2 virus has changed our lives forever. But the demonstrations in China also reflect a more specific, local frustration with a strategy for controlling the virus that every other country in the world has long since left behind.

China’s zero-COVID strategy is an extension of the drastic measures instituted, not only in that country but in others around the world, including the U.S., during the early days of the pandemic in an effort to quash the virus as quickly as possible. That made sense at the beginning when people had no immunity to the virus, and there were no vaccines or treatments to fight it. In fact, instituting lockdowns and keeping people from mingling are

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As part of the Digital Innovation Hub at La Trobe University, Cisco’s Innovation Central Melbourne set out to define digital literacy for healthcare. With this initiative, Cisco and La Trobe University examined how the healthcare workforce can become more digitally driven, with data and technology creating valuable insights, enhanced clinical efficiencies and knowledge-flow-to-value for patients.

Digital literacy is using technology and tools to lead to more efficient use of staff, better care coordination, improved patient experience and better enterprise performance against key performance indicators (KPIs), such as: bed turnover rate, average length of stay, occupancy rate, and patient satisfaction.

The big picture is not just about technology. Digital culture is also focused on social and cultural issues, communication, and collaboration.

The Potential of Digital Culture in Healthcare

This figure shows a bespoke group of knowledge domains needed to establish a digital culture and create patient value from data and insights.

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