Facts Related to Stigma of Mental Disorders that Develop in Society

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The stigma of mental disorders that develops in society often makes sufferers receive discriminatory treatment. In fact, not all the stigma associated with mental disorders is true.

Stigma of mental disorders that exist in society often makes sufferers receive discriminatory treatment from the community. This then makes people with mental disorders often do not get treatment as they should.

For example, when they know someone is suffering from mental disorders, the sufferer is taken to a shaman because they are considered possessed by spirits. In fact, some people with mental disorders are even put in shackles for fear of hurting others. This action is certainly very wrong and has the potential to worsen their condition.

So, what are the stigmas of mental disorders that have been developing in society? Then, is the stigma attached to people with mental disorders really true? Check out the explanation below.

Stigma of mental disorders that often develop in society

There is a lot of stigma related to people with mental disorders that has been developing in society. These stigmas then make people with mental disorders get a negative label from society. In fact, not all the stigma is true.

Here are some of the stigmas of mental disorders that often appear and the facts:

1. People with mental disorders are dangerous

We often see people with mental disorders who do dangerous actions. This then makes all people with mental disorders receive a negative label from society.

In fact, not all people with mental disorders behave aggressively and dangerously. Even people with mental disorders are more prone to become victims of violence.

2. People with mental disorders can not carry out normal activities beraktivitas

People with mental disorders can still move normally if they get the right treatment. People with mental disorders can still be productive, equal or even more than those who are healthy.

3. People with mental disorders can not cope with stress

Many people think that people with mental disorders cannot handle stress on their own. In fact, sufferers may have better ways of dealing with stress than people without mental disorders. Some of them generally learn to handle stress in the right way so that the condition does not get worse.

4. Mental disorders are caused by bad personality

Some people still often think that mental disorders are caused by bad personalities such as laziness. In fact, mental disorders are triggered by various factors, ranging from family background, biology, to the treatment of the people around them.

5. Mental disorders are only experienced by certain people

Mental disorders can be experienced by everyone, for example depression. Some people still think that depression can only be experienced by adults. In fact, this condition can also be experienced by anyone, including children.

6. Mental disorders are only one phase of life that must be passed

You may often hear the statement that mental disorders are just a “phase” in life and the sufferer just needs to become stronger and stronger.

Mental disorders are real and can interfere with the daily life of the sufferer. Therefore, proper treatment needs to be done so that the patient’s condition does not get worse.

7. Mental disorders are just excuses for bad behavior

Some criminals often admit that they suffer from mental disorders in order to escape punishment. That’s what then makes people think that this condition is only one reason for bad behavior.

Mental disorders are not an excuse for someone to behave badly. No one wants to experience that. For example, people with kleptomania do not steal out of economic necessity, but as a way of dealing with the anxiety they feel because of a strong and persistent urge to steal.

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